Friday, April 11, 2014

Hello spring! DIY moss letters

Hey Ya'll!
Spring is finally here in our little corner of the world.
There is nothing more wonderful than waking up to the sound of birds chirping and a beautiful day ahead of you.
Our home has been busy with all the crafts happening recently, as well as some spring cleaning.
So time for some fresh new spring decor to get us in the mood!
I have seen these all over the blogosphere, and I have got to say, I love them. Anything typography has my vote, and plus, you don't have water these!

Supplies needed:
1 moss mat. I picked mine up at Jo-anns,
I got the six foot roll, and it totaled 17.00. If you are only doing one or two letters, you could likely get away with only 2 ft.
Letters, Normally $3 each, they were a dollar off, so $10 on letters.
You will need hot glue
Green paint or spray paint
a sharpie
and scissors.
Total money spent on this project: $27 and about two to three hours of time.
To begin, Paint the backs of your letters with green paint. If you want to skip the drying step, feel free to use spray paint. I used plain acrylic paint and mixed 3/4 paint and 1/4 water to make a dark wash.
When the letters have dried, place them on your mat and trace around them with your sharpie.
Don't worry about marking on your letter, you will cover it up!

After your letter is cut out, you may want to shake it vigorously into the garbage for a second to remove any extra moss.
Hot glue the moss to the letter.

You will not want to cover the bottom of the letter unless you plan on hanging it on a wall.
Mine are just going to be shelf decor, so I left the bottom plain.
After I glued the front of the letter, I measured the sides and cut long strips to go around the border of each letter and add dimension.

And just like that, you're finished!
Ready to hang on your wall or shelves!

What kind of things do you do when spring comes?

Till next time;

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